Grooming Policies

Our staff is dedicated to providing you and your pets the highest quality care in a safe and stress-free environment. To help us serve you better, please ask any questions about our services or other policies.

Operating Hours Our operating hours are Monday through Friday between 8:00am-4:00pm. Due to the nature of mobile grooming, an arrival window will be provided, but may change due to delays caused by weather, traffic and/or earlier appointments. We will notify you via text message if we expect to arrive more than 15 minutes before or after your allotted appointment time. Pet owner agrees to be at home during the arrival window or provide available key or code entry prior to the appointment. All pets must be available in an approved manner to ensure the safety of your pet and our staff.

Cancellation & Payment Policies You may cancel your grooming reservation by calling and providing a detailed message. We require at least 48 hours notice of cancellation. Any cancellation made without 48 hours notice is subject to an additional charge totaling half of the cost of the scheduled groom. If you do not cancel your appointment and the groomer cannot get in contact with you within 10 minutes of their arrival, you will be considered a no-show. Any no-shows will be treated as a last minute cancelation and will be charged a total of half of the cost of the scheduled groom. Payment is due at the time services are rendered and must be collected prior to your pet being discharged. Payment can be made by Cash, Major Credit Cards, and Personal Checks.

Medical Information Our first priority is your pet. You are required to inform us of all medical problems your pet has before utilizing our grooming services. Being away from home can sometimes be stressful, especially for new clients and senior pets, and can aggravate or expose a hidden medical problem. We will do our best to contact you first, but in the event of an emergency we will seek immediate medical attention to ensure your pet’s safety. All pets must be free from transmittable illnesses (i.e. upper respiratory, ringworm, etc.) to utilize our services. If your pet displays symptoms of any illness we may refuse any service until your pet is declared healthy by a veterinarian. Any medication administration requires pre-approval by us prior to your pet’s appointment.

Aggressive Behavior You are required to inform us of any previous aggressive behavior your pet has shown, especially if they have previously bitten a prior groomer, veterinary staff, or other person. In the event your pet bites or injures Gypsy Hill staff or otherwise damages Gypsy Hill property, the pet owner will be held liable for any and all costs. If your pet demonstrates aggressive behavior, we reserve the right to stop the grooming process at any time to ensure the safety of our staff. When grooms are stopped prematurely due to pet aggression, you will still be required to pay the full cost of the groom.

Mat Removal Knots, tangles or matting of the hair on your pet may increase the likelihood of stress during the grooming process and may increase the time needed to safely groom your pet. Pets with matted coats require extra care and attention. Matted hair restricts air circulation and can cause a variety of skin issues like irritation, hot spots, excessive itching and parasite infestation. These issues may remain hidden during the initial assessment of your pet and mat removal may expose pre-existing irritation, cuts or sores hidden underneath the matted hair for which we will not be liable. Mat removal may result in shorter than expected haircuts, hair loss, hair patchiness and an unattractive or unfinished appearance. The removal of mats increases the risk of nicks, cuts or abrasions and may leave your pet’s skin irritated. Shaving can dramatically change your pet’s appearance and hair will be very close to the skin. Previously agreed upon grooming styles might not be possible due to health or coat conditions. You will still be responsible for payment for any services that are completed regardless of previously discussed styles. Severe matting and/or pelting will result in additional surcharges, depending on the severity of the problem and the time required to correct it. The groomer will determine what mat removal options are in the best interest of your pet. Minimal matting may be safely brushed out for an additional charge at a rate of $2.00 per minute, up to a maximum of 20 minutes. Severe and/or large areas of matting may require trimming or shaving close to the skin to safely remove. You will be subject to additional charges for severe mat removal to be determined on a case by case basis.

Fleas & Ticks If your pet is found to have fleas, ticks or parasites they will be treated accordingly at a cost of $50.00 per pet. If multiple animals are brought in to receive our services we will automatically treat all your animals. Additional charges may apply if we need to quarantine and/or perform additional cleaning of our facilities and equipment, or your pet’s carrier and its contents.

Senior Age and/or Health-Compromised Pets can experience stress during a grooming appointment simply by being outside of its home. Any grooming that takes place on a senior pet or a pet with health problems will be at the owner’s risk. Elderly or health compromised dogs can become very stressed during the grooming process, and can experience a medical emergency such as a seizure or heart attack that may result in death. Because of this, Gypsy Hill Mobile Pet Grooming Studio does not accept any pets over the age of 12 as new clients, and strongly recommend these pets be taken to the veterinarian for grooming. Grooming may expose a pre-existing health and/or skin problem for which we will not be liable. Elderly or health-compromised pets are also at a higher risk for nicks, cuts and skin irritation from grooming due to the increased fragility and sensitivity of their skin. Further, elderly pets can be more susceptible to dehydration, which decreases skin elasticity and can cause additional health issues. Certain illnesses and conditions including, but not limited to, diabetes, heart murmur, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, seizures and being overweight result in a higher risk of incident during grooming appointments.

Grooming Safety We utilize experienced groomers who are trained to recognize symptoms of stress and reserves the right to stop the grooming process prior to completion to ensure the safety of your pet or our staff. Keeping your pet safe and comfortable is our first priority. While we always use extreme caution while grooming your pet, our equipment is sharp and your pet may shift or move unexpectedly causing a possible accident. If an accident does occur, you will be notified as soon as possible.

Refusal of Service We reserve the right to refuse any service at any time. If we are unable to handle your pet safely or your pet becomes too stressed we may refuse, stop or cancel service at any time. A $50 fee may still be required for any services not performed, and any partial services performed will be charged as a full groom.

Veterinary Information We require our clients to provide us with up to date veterinary information to utilize our grooming services and you must provide us proof of current Rabies vaccination for each pet. It is your duty to continue to disclose any and all medical and health conditions of your pet. You authorize any present and past veterinarians to share medical information about your pet(s) with Gypsy Hill Mobile Pet Grooming Studio, including but not limited to vaccine records and current medical conditions. In limited circumstances, we may accept a letter of medical exemption on your veterinarian’s letterhead. Any pet that is not fully vaccinated may not be eligible for all services. In the event of an emergency, we will attempt to take your pet to your authorized veterinarian, but we retain the privilege to use a veterinarian of our choice if circumstances require. Any and all veterinary costs will be at your expense.

Promotional Use We utilize photographs and video of your pet for our files, internet websites and advertising. All photographs and videos we take of your pet are the property of Gypsy Hill Mobile Pet Grooming Studio. If you wish to opt out of photographs or videos of your pet being used for promotional purposes, please email us at